Terms of Sale


  1. Name of the Site, ownership of the domain name and trademark “TONINO LAMBORGHINI”
    1.1. These General Terms of Sale (“CGV”) govern the offer and sale of products through the website www.TONINOLAMBORGHINI.it.The delivery of the products purchased will take place buyer’s country of purchase.

1.2. The Site is owned by TONINO LAMBORGHINI S.p.A., with registered office in Via San Giacomo 25, 41121 Modena (MO) Italia,, C.F. 03139260370 and VAT number 00865150387,(“TONINO LAMBORGHINI”).

1.3. TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA is also the owner of the domain name and trademark “TONINO LAMBORGHINI” as well as the provider of the Site registration service.
1.4. All contents of the Site are the copyright of TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA. All rights reserved. The Site cannot be reproduced, either wholly or partially, transferred using electronic or conventional means, modified, connected or used, in particular for commercial purposes, without prior written consent from TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA.

  1. Identification of the seller
    2.1. The products purchased on the Site are offered and sold by T-Data s.r.l. Via Strasburgo, 31, 41011 –Campogalliano (MO), tax code, VAT number and Modena Companies Register number: 03854490368
    2.2. T-Data S.r.l. offers “TONINO LAMBORGHINI” brand products (“Products”) for sale on the Site, with the authorisation of TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA.
    2.3. T-Data S.r.l. is, therefore, the only counterparty of the user that intends purchasing one or more Products through the Site and is therefore (i) the subject the user sends the order to, in order for it to be accepted and to enter into the sale agreement; (ii) the subject that has pre-agreement obligations with the user arising from the offer; (iii) the subject that enters into the sale agreement with the user, undertaking the relative obligations and rights.
    2.4. The purchase agreement finalised through the Site is therefore entered into between the user and T-Data S.r.l.
    2.5. In relation to the sale of Products through the Site and notices with the customer relative to purchases made through the Site (“Transaction Emails”), T-Data S.r.l. acts under the name of and/or with the patronymic “TONINO LAMBORGHINI” or “TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA”. Therefore, when on the Site, in relation to the sale of Products through the Site, and/or in Transaction Emails (e.g. the order confirmation) the expression or name “TONINO LAMBORGHINI” or “TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA” is used or the term “we”, the reference is to T-Data S.r.l.; when, instead, the expression or name “TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA” is used on the Site, in relation to services other than the sale (e.g.: the Site registration service), or in notices with the customer other than Transaction Emails (e.g. confirmation of Site registration, newsletter, promotional notices, DEM), the reference is to TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA.
  2. Scope of the CGV and access to the Site and Products
    3.1. The CGV are made available to the user in the Site section “Terms of Sale”, which can be accessed via the link of the same name in the Site footer. The user may save and reproduce the CGV. The CGV are made available to the user also through the dedicated link during the purchase procedure and checkout phase.
    3.2. These CGV may be modified at any time. Any amendments and/or new conditions will become effective when published on the Site in the section “Terms of Sale”, which can be accessed via the link of the same name in the Site footer. Users are therefore requested to access the Site at regular intervals and consult the latest version of the Terms of Sale, before making any purchase.
    3.3. The applicable CGV are the CGV in effect at the date when the purchase order is sent. Before sending the order, and therefore, before entering into the purchase agreement, the user must carefully read the CGV, as well as all information that T-Data S.r.l. provides for the user through the Site, both before and during the purchase procedure.
    3.4. These General Terms of Sale do not govern the sale of products by subjects other than T-Data S.r.l. that may be present on the Site through links, banners or other hypertext links. Before entering into commercial transactions with these subjects, it is necessary to check their terms of sale. T-Data S.r.l. is not liable for the supply of services and/or for the sale of products by these subjects. T-Data S.r.l. does not carry out any controls and/or monitoring of website that may be consulted via these links. T-Data S.r.l. is therefore not liable for the contents of these site, nor for any errors and/or omissions and/or breaches of the law by said.
    3.5. All users may access the Site and purchase Products through the Site, regardless of their nationality, place of residence or establishment, on condition that, if natural persons, they are aged 18 or over as indicated in article 14.1 hereunder.
  3. Purchases on the Site
    4.1. The offer and sale of Products on the Site constitute a remote agreement governed by Part I, Section III (articles 45 and following) of Legislative Decree no. 206 of 6 September 2005 (“Consumer Code”) and Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003, on e-commerce.
    4.2. The Products may be purchased through the Site as a registered or unregistered user and is possible both for users in a capacity as consumers or otherwise, whether natural persons, only if aged 18 or over. The Site are for retail sales. Under no circumstances may retailers or wholesalers or, in general, all subjects that intend purchasing the Products for subsequent resale, make purchases from the Site. It is therefore prohibited for these subjects to register with the Site and/or make purchases from the Site. It is also prohibited for the subjects referred to in article 14.14 hereunder to make purchases.
    4.3. Pursuant to article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code, natural persons who, in relation to the purchase of products through the Site, are acting for purposes not related to any business, commercial, professional or artisanal activity carried out, are consumers.
    4.4. If these prohibitions are infringed or in the case of orders, from any party, that are anomalous as regards the quantity of products purchased or the frequency of purchases made, T-Data S.r.l. may take all necessary action to stop the irregularities, including not accepting or cancelling irregular orders or notifying TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA in order to have access to the Site stopped and/or registration with the Site cancelled.
    4.5. Lastly, T-Data S.r.l. may refuse or cancel orders from (i) a user against whom it has taken legal action; (ii) a user that has previously infringed these CGV and/or conditions and/or terms of any purchase agreement with T-Data S.r.l.; (iii) a user that has been involved in fraud of any kind and, in particular, in fraud relative to credit card payments; (iv) users that have provided false, incomplete or inaccurate identification data, or, regarding the procedure in article 13.3 hereunder, have not promptly sent T-Data S.r.l. the documents it requested or have sent invalid documents; (v) a user that has infringed the provisions of article 5.6 hereunder.
  4. Registration with the Site
    5.1 The registration service is provided by TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA.
    5.2 Registration with the Site is free of charge. The user will be confirmed of the registration in an email.
    5.3 Users can register by opening a personal account called “Account”, which enables them, among others, to:
    • manage their personal data and update them at any time;
    • save and amend their addresses;
    •    access their wishlist;
    •    access all information about their orders

5.4 As regards the Account, users are notified of the following: 
1) registration on the Site to carry out, among others, the activities indicated in article 5.2 above. The credentials must therefore be kept with the utmost care and attention, and may only be used by the user and not given to third parties. The user undertakes to not disclose the credentials and ensure no-one has access to them. The user also undertakes to immediately inform TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA, through T-Data S.r.l., at the contacts in article 18 below, if s/he suspects or becomes aware of an improper use or disclosure of the credentials.
5.5 The user guarantees that the personal data provided during registration and/or the purchase and/or at any time, is complete, truthful and refers to the user, and undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA and T-Data S.r.l. from any damage, compensation obligation and/or sanction arising from and/or in any way connected to infringement by the user of the guarantees in article 5 and/or infringement of the rules on Registration, on purchase from the Site and/or the retention of Registration Credentials.

  1. Direct information for entering into the agreement online
    6.1. In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 70 of 9 April 2003 on e-commerce, T-Data S.r.l. informs the user that:
    a) to enter into the agreement to purchase one or more Products on the Site, the user must compile an electronic purchase form and send it to T-Data S.r.l., electronically, following the instructions that are given from time to time on the Site;
    b) the agreement is entered into when the order form reaches the server used by T-Data S.r.l.;
    c) before sending the order form, the user may identify and correct data entry mistakes, following the instructions on the Site;
    d) after registering the order form and receiving confirmation of the payment, T-Data S.r.l. will send the user, at the email address indicated, the order confirmation containing: detailed indication of the price, the payment method used, delivery costs and any other additional costs;
    e) the order form will be filed in T-Data S.r.l.’s database for the time necessary to perform the order and, in any case, within the limits established by law. The essential parts of the order form will be indicated in the order confirmation. The registered user may also access his/her order form, in the section “Orders”.
    6.2. As regards languages available on the Site, TDATA point out the following:
  • users may enter into agreements in Italian, English , French, German and Spanish;
  • Customer Service is available in Italian, English, French, German and Spanish
  1. Product Availability
    7.1. The Products that may be purchased through the Site are the items in the e-catalogue published on the Site, which may be viewed when placing the order. The Products offered for sale through the Site mainly belong to the following goods’ categories: high pressure washers, accessories and detergents for high-pressure washers.
    7.2. Each Product has an information page explaining the main characteristics (“Product Page”).
    7.3. Product availability is continually monitored and updated. However, as the Site may be visited by several users at the same time, it is possible that several users purchase the same Product at the same moment. In these cases, the Product might be available for a short time, but instead is no longer available or no longer immediately available and the user will have to wait for the new range.
    7.4. If the Product is no longer available for the above reasons or in other cases when the Product becomes unavailable, without affecting the user’s statutory rights, and, in particular the rights established by Part XIV, Section II of Book IV of the Civil Code, T-Data S.r.l. will immediately notify the user by email. The user will therefore be lawfully entitled to immediately terminate the agreement, without affecting his/her right to seek compensation, pursuant to and for the purposes of article 61, paragraphs IV and V of the Consumer Code, notifying T-Data S.r.l. according to the procedures and addresses indicated in article 18 hereunder. If the user exercises his/her right to terminate the agreement provided for by the above legislation, or if the user, although notified by T-Data S.r.l., does not exercise this right, the agreement will be terminated, without affecting the rights of the user established by law. T-Data, without affecting the user’s right to seek compensation, will request, without undue delay, through the banking systems, the refund of the total amount paid, which consists of the price of the Product, delivery costs, if applied, and any other additional cost, as resulting from the order (“Total Amount Due”)which has been the subject of payment as indicated in article 13.9 hereunder. Termination of the agreement and the amount to be refunded will be notified to the user by email.
    7.5. In the case of orders concerning several Products (“Multiple Order”), if the unavailability only concerns some of the Products of the Multiple Order - without affecting the user’s statutory rights, and in particular the rights established by Part XIV of Section II of Book IV of the Civil Code, and without prejudice to article 7.4 above, if the unavailability concerns all ordered Products - T-Data S.r.l. will immediately notify the user by email. The user will therefore be lawfully entitled to immediately terminate the agreement, only as regards the Products which become unavailable, without affecting his/her right to seek compensation, pursuant to and for the purposes of article 61, paragraphs IV and V of the Consumer Code, notifying T-Data S.r.l. according to the procedures and addresses indicated in article 18 hereunder. If the user exercises his/her right to terminate the agreement provided for by the above legislation, or if the user, although notified by T-Data S.r.l., does not exercise this right, the agreement will be partially terminated, only as regards such Products, with consequent request, without undue delay and, in any case no later than the deadline of 15 business days from when the order was sent, to refund the amount due, which consists of the price of such Products and any other additional cost relative to said, as resulting from the order (“Amount Due”). Termination of the agreement and the amount to refund will be notified to the user by email. In the event of partial termination of a Multiple Order, the delivery costs will not be returned, as they refer to the delivery of available Products, for the reasons explained in article 14.5 hereunder.
    7.5 bis In cases indicated in articles 7.4 and 7.5 above, T-Data S.r.l., regardless of the choice of the user, will give the user, on request, a voucher in proportion to the Total Amount Due, or as applicable, to the Partial Amount Due. As regards the voucher, article 14.11 hereunder applies.
  2. Product information
    8.1. Each Product has a Product Page. The images and descriptions on the Site reproduce the characteristics of the Products as faithfully as possible. However, the colours of the Products and their packaging could differ from the real colours due to the settings of the IT systems or computers used by users for their display. The images of the Product on the Product Page could also differ as regards size or in relation to any accessory products. These images shall therefore be considered as indicative and with allowances. For the purposes of the purchase agreement, the description of the Product on the Product Page and/or in the technical datasheet, if present, will apply.
  3. Prices
    9.1. The prices of the Products published on the Site are in euros, and include Value Added Tax (and RAEE Tax where applicable).
    9.2. T-Data S.r.l. may modify the price of the Products at any time, without notice, save for the price charged to the user being the price in the order summary and displayed by the user before order transmission and without considering any changes (increases or decreases) made after the order has been sent.
  4. Purchase orders
    10.1. The purchase agreement will be lawfully terminated, pursuant to article 1456 of the Civil Code, if the actual debit is not successful as indicated in article 13.9 hereunder, with the consequent non-payment of the Total Amount Due. The user will be notified through the Site that the transaction has not been successful.

10.2. Ownership of the Products will be transferred to the user at the time of dispatch, meaning when the Product is delivered to the carrier (“Dispatch”). The risk of loss of or damage to the Products for reasons not attributable to T-Data S.r.l., is instead transferred to the user, when the user, or a third party designated by said other than the carrier, takes possession of the Products. The Dispatch will be carried out, by virtue of article 10.1 above, only subject to the actual amount indicated in article 13.9 hereunder being debited, and therefore, the Total Amount Due actually being paid.
10.3. To send a purchase order through the Site, these CGVs must be read and approved, checking the box displayed during the purchase procedure. Purchases cannot be made through the Site if the CGVs are not accepted.

  1. Order cancellation
    11.1. Without affecting the right of withdrawal indicated in article 15 hereunder, a registered user may cancel the order made on the Site.

If the order preparation should result in an advanced stage, T-Data will promptly inform the corrier but this latter may not be able to block delivery. In case the order could not be cancelled, T-Data will inform you by email. In this case, you can still:

  • refuse delivery; accept delivery and exercise your Right to Withdraw within the following 14 days. For further information regarding how to apply for a return, you can access the "Returns and Refunds" section.

11.2. When cancelling the order on request of the user, as provided for in article 11.1 above, the user will be notified in a specific email. Cancellation of the order on request of the user will terminate the relative purchase agreement and the obligations of T-Data S.r.l. arising therefrom will end.
11.3 In the case of cancellation of the order on request of the user, as provided for in article 11.1 above, T-Data S.r.l. will request a refund of the amount paid relative to the cancelled order, through the banking systems, without undue delay. The timing of refund depend exclusively on the issuer of the credit card and/or payment instrument. Once the refund of the amount in question has been requested, T-Data S.r.l. may not be held liable, under any circumstances, for any direct or consequential damage, caused by the banking system’s delay in and/or failure to refund said amount.

  1. Reviews
    12.1. The review service is not provided.
  2. Method of payment
    13.1. The payment of the Products purchased through a Site may take place according to the methods described in sections hereunder. If one of the methods may not be used regarding a specific Product, this will be clearly indicated on the Site, at the latest at the start of the purchase procedure. In any case, unavailable payment methods can not be selected by the user during check out.
  3. A) Payment by credit card
    2. The Products purchased through a Site may be paid for by credit card, directly through this Site. Maestro, MasterCard and Visa are accepted. In any case, accepted cards are indicated in the footer of each Site page.
    13.3. To guarantee secure payments made on the Site and prevent any fraud, T-Data S.r.l. may request the user, by email, to send a copy of the front/back of his/her identity card by email and, if the person placing the order is not the person named in the credit card, T-Data S.r.l. may request the identity card of the latter. The identity card shall be valid. The deadline for T-Data S.r.l. to receive the document will be indicated in the email. In any case, this deadline will be no more than 5 business days from when the request is received from the user. The order will be suspended, while waiting for the document. The user must send the requested documents in the times indicated.
    13.4. If T-Data S.r.l. does not receive these documents in the time indicated in the email or receives documents that have expired or are invalid, the agreement will be considered lawfully terminated pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1456 of the Civil Code and the order subsequently cancelled, without affecting T-Data S.r.l.’s right to seek compensation due to the nonconforming behaviour of the user. Termination of the agreement, which will be notified to the user by email no later than 5 business days after the deadline for sending the documents requested by T-Data S.r.l., will cancel the order, with consequence refund of the amount paid and the adoption, in so far as compatible, of article 7.4 above. The period of time for reimbursement starts from termination of the order.
    13.5. If T-Data S.r.l. receives valid documentation in the times indicated in the email in article 13.3 above, the delivery times applicable to the order will start from the date when the documentation is received.
    13.6. T-Data S.r.l. uses the secure payment service provided by Shopify Payments native in Shopify platform for payments in Euro currency. Data is exchanged with the use of the SSL security protocol. Sensitive credit card data (card number, holder, expiry date, security number) are acquired directly by Shopify. Therefore T-Data S.r.l. never has access to, nor stores the data of the credit card used by the user to pay for the Products, apart from the case provided for in article 13.3 above, only regarding the cardholder’s name.
  4. B) Payment by PayPal
    7. The Products purchased through a Site may be paid for using the PayPal payment solution. If the user chooses this payment method, s/he will be redirected to the site www.paypal.it, where s/he can pay for the Products based on the relative procedure, regulated by PayPal and according to the terms and conditions of the agreement made by the user with PayPal. The data entered on the PayPal site are processed directly by PayPal and will not be transmitted to or shared with T-Data S.r.l. T-Data S.r.l. therefore cannot know nor is able to save any data of the credit card connected with the user’s PayPal account or the data of any payment instrument connected with this account.
    13.8. In the case of termination of the purchase agreement and in any other case of reimbursement, for any reason whatsoever, after the actual debit, as indicated in article 13.9 hereunder, the amount of the reimbursement will be credited to the user’s PayPal account. The times to release amounts to the connected payment instrument depend exclusively on PayPal and the banking system. Once the order to credit this account has been made, T-Data S.r.l. may not be held liable for any delays in or omitted amounts credited, for which complaints must be made by the user directly to PayPal.
  5. C) Payment via ApplePay and GooglePay Wallet
    9. The Products purchased through a Site may be paid for using the ApplePay or GooglePay payment solutions. For GooglePay and ApplePay payments, T-Data S.r.l. relies on the Shopify Payments.
    The ApplePay or GooglePay payment method will be available in the checkout phase only if properly configured on the customer’s device. If the user chooses ApplePay or GooglePay as a payment method, the user will be redirected to the Shopify Payments platform and the Products will be paid for based on the conditions of the agreement made by the user with ApplePay and GooglePay. The data transmitted to Shopify Payments, ApplePay and GooglePay will not be transmitted to or shared with T-Data S.r.l. . T-Data S.r.l. therefore cannot know and is not able to save any data linked to the user’s ApplePay or GooglePay account.
  6. D) Payment via Klarna Wallet

    13.10. Payment for Products purchased on the Site can be made through the Klarna payment solution. T-Data S.r.l. utilizes the Shopify Payments platform for payments via Klarna.

    The Klarna payment method will be available at checkout only if selected by the user among the available options. If the user chooses Klarna as the payment method, they will be redirected to the Shopify Payments platform, and the payment for the Products will occur according to the terms agreed between the user and Klarna.

    Data transmitted to Shopify Payments via Klarna will not be shared or transmitted to T-Data S.r.l. Therefore, T-Data S.r.l. does not have access to, nor does it store in any way, the information related to the user’s Klarna account.

  7. E) Common instructions for payment
    11. When the order is sent, T-Data S.r.l. will send a payment request to the selected payment provider equal to the Total Amount Due, calculated as indicated in article 7.4 above, with the effect, if the requested authorisation is confirmed, of collecting the corresponding amount.
  8. Delivery of the Products
    14.1 The Products purchased through the Site may be delivered to the delivery address indicated by the user in the order form and is delivered in Italy (delivery is not possible to the following locations: Livigno, Campione D'Italia); Spain (delivery is not possible to the following locations: Andorra and Gibraltar, Balearic Islands, Canary Islands-Ceuta-Melilla); France (delivery is not possible to the following locations: Corsica New Caledonia, Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, the Wallis and Futuna Islands, French Polynesia and the French Southern and Antarctic Territories); Germany (delivery is not possible to the following locations: the island of Helgoland and the territory of Büsingen); Portugal; Austria; Belgium; Czech Republic; Poland.

14.2 All users may therefore access and make purchases through the Site, regardless of their nationality and/or place of residence and/or of establishment.

14.3. The user must therefore indicate on the order form a delivery address included in the countries of point 14.1, or a delivery address that is not a PO box or poste restante, regardless of his/her nationality and/or place of residence and/or of establishment. Orders with a delivery address outside the countries of point 14.1 or a delivery address that is a PO box or poste restante, will be cancelled, pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1456 of the Civil Code. The Total Amount Due relative to orders will be refunded according to the procedures and terms in article 7.4 above, in so far as compatible.
14.4 Home delivery is against payment. The delivery costs for the Products (“Delivery Costs”), and any other additional costs, are, therefore, paid by the user, unless otherwise indicated on the Product Page or in other parts of the Site. The specific amount of Delivery Costs payable by the user regarding a specific order will be specifically and separately indicated ( and including VAT) in the order summary and, in any case, before the user sends the order, and also in the email confirming the order. T-Data S.r.l. may modify the Delivery Costs, also offering free delivery, at any time, without notice, save for the Delivery Costs charged to the user being the costs indicated in the order summary, before the user is bound by the agreement, and without considering any changes (increases or decreases) made after the order has been sent.
14.5 In the case of partial withdrawal concerning Multiple Orders and/or partial termination, for any reason whatsoever, of the purchase agreement relative to Multiple Orders, Delivery Costs will not be reimbursed, as their amount does not depend on the number of the Products ordered or on their weight, because these costs are calculated as a fixed amount that does not take into account these two aspects and which, therefore, may refer to the delivery of Products other than the products the withdrawal and/or partial termination refer to. Delivery Costs will instead be returned if the withdrawal of termination concerns all Products of a Multiple Order.
14.6 In the case of partial withdrawal from Multiple Orders and/or partial termination of the purchase agreement relative to Multiple Orders, for reasons not attributable to T-Data S.r.l., if, due to the withdrawal or partial termination, the Total Amount Due decreases to below the amount for free deliveries, the Delivery Costs that should have been paid if the delivery had not been free, will be charged to the user and consequently deducted from the amount to reimburse, calculated based on the costs indicated in the page “Deliveries and limitations”, which may be accessed from the link of the same name in the Site footer and on the Product Page.
14.6-bis In the order summary and/or in any case, during the purchase procedure, before the user sends the order, the times by which T-Data S.r.l. will deliver the Products ordered by the user will be indicated, which take account, besides the delivery area and procedure, of the possibility that the user may purchase several Products in the same order (“Terms of Delivery”).  The Terms of Delivery start from the business day following the day when the agreement is entered into (i.e. the sending of the order) unless otherwise indicated. The Terms of Delivery will be indicated in the order confirmation. If the Terms of Delivery are not indicated, delivery will take place in any case no later than thirty days from the day when the agreement is entered into. The obligation to deliver is met with the transfer of actual availability or in any case control of the Products to the user. The Terms of Delivery are calculated considering only business days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays and all national holidays in Italy.
14.6-ter Home Delivery means delivery at street level, unless otherwise indicated in the Product Page. Delivery will take place from Mondays to Fridays during normal business hours (from 9.00 to 18.00 hours) excluding national holidays in Italy and in the Country of Delivery of the Site. In the case of a Multiple Order, separate deliveries are not made. All Products of a Multiple Order will therefore be delivered at the same time.
14.7 At the time of Dispatch, i.e. the delivery of the purchased Products to the carrier, the user will be sent an email confirming delivery of the Products to the carrier (“Email Confirming Dispatch”), which contains instructions to track the delivery,  where shipment type chosen so provides.
14.8 The user acknowledges that collection of the Product is a specific obligation arising from the purchase agreement. If a delivery cannot be made due to the absence of the recipient at the address indicated in the order form, the carrier will leave a notice of attempted delivery for the recipient (“Notice of Attempted Delivery”). The carrier will then try to make the delivery the following day. If the delivery cannot be made after two attempts, the parcel will be held “in storage” by the carrier. The carrier will therefore notify the storage to T-Data S.r.l., that will contact the user through Customer Service to release the item held (for example, agreeing on a new delivery).  In any case, after 10 business days from the second day following the day when the Attempted Delivery notice is left, without being able to proceed, for any reason not attributable to T-Data S.r.l., with the delivery (e.g.: attempted delivery and/or an additional attempted delivery), the purchase agreement will be considered as terminated pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1456 of the Civil Code, with consequent reimbursement, no later than 15 business days from termination of the agreement, according to the procedures in article 7.4 above, of the Total Amount Due, minus Delivery Costs, as the delivery was not successful for reasons attributable to the user, storage costs, costs to return the Product to T-Data S.r.l. and any other cost that may arise due to failed delivery because of the recipient’s absence. The delivery procedure, the terms for managing unsuccessful delivery due to the recipient’s absence and the relative consequences will be reminded to the user in the Email Confirming the Dispatch.
14.9 If the purchased Product is not delivered or is delivered later than the Terms of Delivery indicated during the purchase procedure and in the order confirmation, the user, pursuant to article 61 of the Consumer Code, may request T-Data S.r.l. to make a delivery in an additional time which is appropriate for the circumstances (“Additional Time pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code”). If this additional time ends without the Products being delivered, the user may lawfully terminate the agreement (“Termination of the Agreement pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code”), without affecting his/her rights to seek compensation. The user does not have the obligation to grant Additional Time pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code (“Excluded Cases”) if: a) T-Data S.r.l. has specifically refused to deliver the Products; b) compliance with the Term of Delivery indicated during the purchase procedure and in the order confirmation must be considered as essential, in view of all circumstances relative to entering into the agreement; c) the user has informed T-Data S.r.l., before entering into the agreement, that delivery within a given date is essential. In Excluded Cases, the user may lawfully terminate the agreement, without affecting his/her right to compensation (“Termination of the Agreement in Excluded Cases”), if s/he does not receive the Products according to the terms of delivery indicated during the purchase procedure and in the order confirmation. The Additional Term pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code and Termination of the Agreement pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code or Termination of the Agreement in Excluded Cases shall be notified by the user to T-Data S.r.l. at the contacts in article 18 hereunder. In the case of Termination of the Agreement pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code or Termination in Excluded Cases, T-Data S.r.l. will reimburse the user the Total Amount Due without undue delay, and, in any case, no later than 15 business days from termination of the agreement, by crediting the amount back using the same payment method as for the initial transaction.
14.10 In any case, T-Data S.r.l. undertakes to notify the user, promptly and by email, of the delay in the delivery ("Notice of Delay"), also indicating the new delivery time, if available ("New Term of Delivery") and, if the user does not establish the Additional Time pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code or, as applicable, terminate the Agreement pursuant to article 61, paragraph III of the Consumer Code or terminate the Agreement in Excluded Cases, without prejudice to the possibility for the user to seek at any time such remedies and/or ordinary means of protection provided by law and, in particular, by Part XIV, Section II of Book IV of the Civil Code, T-Data S.r.l. undertakes, in the case of a delivery delayed by more than [7] business days after the New Term of Delivery or, in any case, by [10] business days after the original Term of Delivery, to allow the user to refuse the delivery and terminate the agreement, with consequent reimbursement, according to the procedures indicated in article 14.9 above, of the Total Amount Due, immediately and, in any case, no later than 15 business days from the request to terminate the agreement or, alternatively, if the user does not wish to terminate the agreement, to reimburse the user for Delivery Costs and, regardless of the choice of the user, to give the user, on request, a voucher in proportion to the Total Amount Due.
14.11 The vouchers as of article 14.10 above will be given by activating a personal code, to be sent to the user by email no later than [15] days from when the conditions for their issue apply. The vouchers may be spent on the Site for up to [3] months from their issue.
14.12 If the Notice of Delay is not sent or the New Term of Delivery is not established, all terms indicated in article 14.10 above will become effective from the date of the original Term of Delivery. Acceptance of the New Term of Delivery and/or the choices made by the user as indicated in article 14.10 above shall be promptly notified to T-Data S.r.l. by email at the address in article 18 hereunder.
14.13 The user shall check the conditions of the Product delivered to him/her. Without prejudice to the fact that the risk of loss of or damage to the Products, for reasons not attributable to T-Data S.r.l. is transferred to the user, when the user, or a third party designated by said other than the carrier, takes possession of the Products, the user is advised to check the number of Products received and that the packaging is intact, undamaged, not wet or altered in any way, even regarding the sealing materials (adhesive tape), and is requested, in his/her interests, to indicate any anomalies on the carrier’s transport document, accepting the parcel conditionally. The unconditional receipt of the Products does not enable the user to take action against the carrier, in the case of loss of or damage to the Products, apart from the case where the loss or damage is due to the wilful misconduct or gross negligence of the carrier and with the exception of partial loss or damage unrecognisable at the time of delivery, provided in the latter case that the damage is reported as soon as it is discovered and no later than eight days after receipt. If the parcel has evident signs of being tampered with or altered, the user is also advised to promptly notify Customer Service. The forgoing is without prejudice, in any case, to the application of laws on the right of withdrawal and the legal guarantee of conformity.
14.14 Purchases cannot be made from the Site by subjects who have not collected a parcel more than twice for different orders. If these subjects place orders infringing this provision, the purchase agreement may be considered terminated pursuant to and for the purposes of article 1456 of the Civil Code. Termination of the agreement will be notified to the user by email. The user will be reimbursed the Total Amount Due according to the procedures and times in article 14.9 above.
14.15 While users are reminded that they may dispose of their used WEEE (Waste from electrical and electronic equipment) at recycling centres or collection points, T-Data S.r.l., in compliance with provisions in Legislative Decree no. 49 of 14 March 2014, offers, at the time of the supply of new electrical and electronic equipment intended for domestic use, the free collection, on a one to one basis, of used equipment, on condition that it is equivalent to the new equipment supplied (“WEEE Service”). The Product Page indicates whether the WEEE Service is available for the Product; via the dedicated link from this page and the link “Notice about WEEE” in the footer of the Site, the user is given all information about procedures for free collection and how the user can apply for this service.
14.16 The WEEE Service is provided, where necessary, according to the following procedures:

  • after making a purchase and paying the order according to the procedures indicated in article 13 above, the user may request the WEEE Service, sending an email to TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA. toninolamborghini@t-data.it putting “WEEE collection” in the subject line and indicating the order number of the new equivalent equipment purchased;
  • if several products have been purchased, the user must indicate in the body of the email the number of products to be collected using the WEEE Service. This number cannot exceed the number of products purchased (for example: if you buy 2 high pressure washers, you can ask for 1 high pressure washer to be collected, but not 1 pump or 2 high pressure washers);
  • the user will be contacted by the carrier appointed by T-Data S.r.l. no later than seven days after the request, to agree on the collection date;
  • unless otherwise indicated by the user, the WEEE will be collected no more than 30 business days from when the request is received;
  • on the agreed date, the user will have the product ready for collection, packed and available at the place where it is located. The address to collect the equipment from must be the same address where the new purchased equipment is delivered;
  • the user acknowledges that if, during collection, the used equipment is identified as not being equivalent to the new equipment supplied, the carrier appointed by T-Data S.r.l. will not collect the Product and if this nonconformity is identified in the email requesting the WEEE collection service, the carrier will not contact the user;
  • pursuant to article 12, paragraph 4 of Legislative Decree 49/2014, the collection of WEEE may be refused: (i) if there is a risk of collection operators being contaminated; (ii) if the WEEE does not have its main components; (iii) if the equipment for which collection is requested contains waste other than WEEE.
  1. Right of withdrawal
    15.1 Pursuant to articles 52 and following of the Consumer Code, the user that qualifies as a consumer is entitled to withdraw from the agreement to purchase the Product without giving any reason and without having to bear costs apart from the costs indicated in articles 15.6 and 15.9 hereunder, no later than the deadline of fourteen calendar days (“Withdrawal Period”). The Withdrawal Period ends after 14 days:
    a) in the case of an order for a single Product, from the day when the user or a third party, other than the transport company chosen by the user, takes possession of the goods; or
    b) in the case of an order for the delivery of a Product comprising multiple lots or items, from the day when the user or a third party, other than the transport company chosen by the user, takes possession of the last lot or item.
    15.2 To exercise the right of withdrawal, the user must inform T-Data S.r.l., before the end of the Withdrawal Period, of his/her decision to withdraw. For this purpose, the user may:
    a) follow the link on the footer of the website anduse the standard withdrawal form (“Online Withdrawal Form”) made available on the Site;
    b) present a specific statement of his/her decision to withdraw from the agreement (“Statement of Withdrawal”).
    15.3 T-Data S.r.l. also gives the user the chance to withdraw online, following the instructions provided via the link "Returns and Refunds" made available on the Site. In the case of withdrawal online, T-Data S.r.l. will promptly send the user an email confirming it has received the request to withdraw. The user may be asked to indicate why s/he wants to withdraw, however, it is not necessary to reply. Not giving a reason for withdrawing will not have any effect on exercising the right of withdrawal.
    15.4 The Statement of Withdrawal can also be sent to the following email address: toninolamborghini@t-data.it
    15.5 The user has exercised his/her right to withdraw within the Withdrawal Period, if the notice to exercise the right of withdrawal is sent by the consumer before the end of the Withdrawal Period. If the user makes a Statement of Withdrawal, s/he must indicate the order number, the Product(s) the withdrawal refers to and his/her address in the Statement of Withdrawal. As proof of exercising the right of withdrawal before the expiry of the Withdrawal Period is the responsibility of the user, it is in the interests of the user to notify withdrawal to T-Data S.r.l. on durable medium. In all cases of withdrawal, regardless of the procedure, T-Data S.r.l. will send the user an email including the RMA code. The user is requested to put this code outside the package when returning the Product, to facilitate the tracking of the Product with the original order (“RMA Code”).
    15.6 The user must return the Products to T-Data S.r.l. using a transport company of his/her choice and at his/her expense, without delay, and in any case no later than 14 calendar days from informing T-Data S.r.l. of the decision to withdraw (“Deadline for Withdrawal”). The Deadline for Withdrawal is met if the user sends back the Products before the period of fourteen days ends. The Product, suitably protected and packed, must be returned to the following address: T-Data_AN modulo L1, Via Strasburgo 31, 41011 Campogalliano (MO).
    The direct costs of returning the Products are paid by the user, including any customs’ duties, and the User is also responsible for the transport of the Products. If, due to their nature, the Products cannot be normally returned by post, the maximum cost estimated for the return, identified based on the type of Product and delivery cost will be indicated in the standard withdrawal instructions (“Standard Withdrawal Instructions”). The Standard Instructions of Withdrawal, with information on exercising the right to withdraw, are made available to the user on the Site, before entering into the agreement, clicking on the link “Returns and Refunds”, which is in the footer of the Site.  The user is responsible for returning the Products at his/her expense. The user is kindly requested to put the Product in the original packaging.
    15.7 If the user withdraws from the agreement, T-Data S.r.l. will reimburse the Total Amount Due, or in the case of Multiple Orders, the Partial Amount Due, including, in the first case, delivery costs, if applicable, without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the day when T-Data S.r.l. has received the return in their warehouse. The reimbursement will be made using the same payment method as the initial transaction, unless otherwise specifically agreed with the user. In any case, the user will not have to pay any cost as a result of this reimbursement. T-Data S.r.l. may suspend the reimbursement until the Products of the withdrawal have been received, or, if prior, until the user can prove that the products have been sent back. In the event of partial termination of Multiple Orders, the Delivery Costs will not be returned, as they refer to the delivery of the Products for which the user did not exercise the right to withdraw, for the reasons indicated in article 14.5 above.
    15.8 The user is only responsible for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the Product other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product. The Product shall in any case be stored, handled and inspected with normal diligence and returned intact, with all its parts, in perfect working order, including any accessories, leaflets, identification tags, labels and the seal, where present, still attached to the Product and intact and without being tampered with, as well as perfectly suitable for the intended use and without signs of wear or dirt and, if possible, in the original packaging. Moreover, withdrawal applies to the entire Product. Withdrawal may not therefore be exercised in relation to Product parts and/or accessories.
    15.9 In the case where the Product for which withdrawal has been exercised decreases in value as a result of the handling of the good other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the Product, an amount equal to this decrease in value may be deducted from the amount of the reimbursement. T-Data S.r.l. will notify the user of this circumstance and consequent decrease in the amount of the reimbursement no later than 5 business days from receipt of the Product, giving the user, if the reimbursement has already been paid, bank details for payment of the amount owing by the user due to the decrease in value of the Product.
    15.10 If withdrawal is not exercised in compliance with provisions in applicable laws, the agreement will not be terminated and consequently no reimbursement will be due. T-Data S.r.l. will notify the user no later than 5 calendar days from receiving the Product, refusing the request for withdrawal. The Product will be available for the user to collect, who will be responsible and will pay for such collection.
    15.11 The user is reminded that the right of withdrawal does not apply in the cases indicated in article 59 of the Consumer Code. If, in accordance with law, the right of withdrawal does not apply, this exclusion will be specifically indicated on the Product Page and/or, in any case, during the purchase procedure, before the user sends the order.
  2. Legal guarantee
    16.1. All products sold on the Site are covered by the legal guarantee of conformity envisaged in articles 128-135-vicies ter of the Consumer Code (“Legal Guarantee”).
    16.2. Who is the Legal Guarantee for
    The Legal Guarantee is for consumers. It therefore applies only to users who have made a purchase from the Site for purposes not related to any business, commercial, artisanal or professional activity carried out. Subjects who have made a purchase from the Site and are not consumers, will be covered by warranties against defects of sold items, warranties against defects concerning promised, essential qualities and other warranties envisaged by the Civil Code with relative terms, validities and limitations.
    16.3. When does the Legal Guarantee apply
    The seller (and therefore as regards purchases made from the Site, T-Data S.r.l.) is liable to the consumer for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the product and which occurs within two years of said delivery.
    Unless proven otherwise, it is assumed that a lack of conformity occurring within twelve months from delivery of the product already existed at the date of delivery, unless this assumption is not compatible with the nature of the product or with the nature of the lack of conformity. As from the thirteenth month following delivery of the product, the consumer will be responsible for proving that the lack of conformity already existed at the time of delivery.
    To use the Legal Guarantee, the user must therefore provide proof of the date of purchase and delivery of the good. For this purpose, the user should therefore keep the email confirming the order or purchase invoice, if requested or the transport document or any other document that can certify the date when the purchase was made (for example a credit card or bank account statement) and the date of delivery.
    Any action claiming flaws not intentionally concealed by the seller may be enforced only within twenty-six months of the delivery of the product.
    16.4 What is a lack of conformity
    A lack of conformity exists, when the purchased good:
    From the subjective perspective:
    1. does not correspond to the contractual description, type, quantity and quality and is not functional, compatible and interoperable;
    2. is not suitable for the particular use required by the consumer and made known to the seller on stipulation of the agreement and to which the seller agreed;
    3. is not equipped with all accessories and instructions;
    4. is not updated in accordance with what is set forth in the sale agreement;
    From the objective perspective:
    1. is not suitable for its intended use;
    2. does not conform to the description given by the seller and does not have the quality of the good the seller presented to the buyer as a sample or model;
    3. is not delivered along with the accessories, including packaging and installation instructions.
    4. does not have the quality and performance which are customary of the type of good, which the consumer may reasonably expect, also considering statements made in advertising or on labelling.
    The Legal Guarantee does not therefore cover any failures or malfunctions caused by accidental events or the responsibility of the user or by a use of the product which does not conform to its intended use and/or use indicated in technical documentation attached to the product.
    16.5 Remedies available to the user
    In the case of a lack of conformity duly notified within deadlines, the user is entitled:
  • firstly, to the free replacement or repair of the good, as decided by the user, unless the remedy requested is objectively impossible or too expensive compared to another remedy;
  • secondarily (if the repair or replacement is impossible or too expensive or the repair or replacement is not carried out within appropriate times, or a previous repair or replacement has caused considerable inconvenience for the consumer), to a reduction in the price or termination of the agreement, as decided by the user. The price reduction is proportionate to the decrease in the value of the good received by the consumer compared to the value that it would have had if it were compliant.

The requested remedy is too expensive if the seller has to bear unreasonable expenses compared to alternative remedies that may be adopted, considering: (i) the value the good would have if there were no lack of conformity; (ii) the extent of the lack of conformity; (iii) any alternative remedy that may be adopted without considerable inconvenience to the consumer.
16.6 What to do in the case of a lack of conformity
If, during the validity of the Legal Guarantee, a product purchased on the Site appears to have a lack of conformity, the user may contact Customer Service, through the contacts indicated in article 18 below or directly follow the procedure indicated below. The user must, follow the guided procedure available on the Site, from the link “Returns and Refunds”, available on the footer of the Site selecting from the drop-down menu the request “Legal Warranty Application Form”,  as well as the description of the product defect, attach photographic documentation supporting the request, if the defect is visible, or, if the defect is not visible, a detailed description of the defect; (ii) send a copy of the order confirmation and/or invoice, if requested. T-Data S.r.l. will promptly follow up the notification of the alleged lack of conformity and if, based on received documentation, it considers there are grounds to suspect the lack of conformity exists, without affecting the user’s statutory rights, or T-Data S.r.l.’s rights to establish that the lack of conformity does not exist, T-Data S.r.l. will send a code to the user (“RMA Code) to put outside the package together with the Product in question and will contact the user to agree on collection of the Product, at the expense of T-Data S.r.l. After receiving the RMA Code, the user must: deliver the parcel containing the Product in question to the carrier sent by T-Data S.r.l. on the agreed day and time.
After receiving the Product in question, T-Data S.r.l. will check whether or not there is a lack of conformity. If the lack of conformity exists:
a) and the remedy is to repair the Product, T-Data S.r.l. will repair the Product, also through third parties and, specifically, TONINO LAMBORGHINI SPA, at its expense, and will deliver the repaired Product to the user within a maximum of 60 business days from when it was notified of the lack of conformity by receiving the Legal Guarantee Application Form;
b) if the remedy is to replace the Product, T-Data S.r.l. will terminate the purchase agreement and reimburse the Total Amount Due paid by the user, using the same payment method as the initial transaction, within a maximum of 60 business days from when it was notified of the lack of conformity by receiving the Legal Guarantee Application Form; the user shall therefore place a new order through the Site, for the replacement Product, paying for it according to procedures indicated in article 13 above; T-Data S.r.l. will therefore deliver the replacement Product to the user, at its own expense, according to the delivery times indicated during the purchase procedure, and will reimburse the user for Delivery Costs of the replacement Product order, giving a voucher for the same amount; as regards this voucher, article 14.11 above applies.
If, instead, T-Data S.r.l. received the Product in question and considers, after checks, that the lack of conformity does not exist, it will notify the user by email and contact him/her to agree on the times for collection or delivery of the Product that will be overseen by and at the expense of the user, without affecting the user’s statutory rights.

  1. Manufacturer’s standard warranty
    17.1 The products sold on the Site may, depending on their nature, be covered by a standard warranty provided by the manufacturer (“Standard Warranty”). The user may enforce this warranty only as regards the manufacturer. The duration, scope, also territorial, of the conditions and procedures of use, the types of damage/defects covered and any limitations of the Standard Warranty depend on the manufacturer and are indicated in the warranty certificate in the product packaging. The Standard Warranty is voluntary and does not replace, limit or affect the Legal Guarantee.
  2. Customer service and complaints
    18.1 Customer service (“Customer Service”) may be contacted to request information, send notices or forward complaints:
  • by email, toninolamborghini@t-data.it
  • through the Site, by accessing the section “Contacts” and/or the “live chat” in the bottom left corner of all Site pages

18.2 T-Data S.r.l. will reply to complaints by email or post within a maximum of [5] business days from receiving requests.

  1. Applicable law and jurisdiction
    19.1 The purchase agreement entered into through the Site is governed by the laws of Italy.
    19.2 The foregoing is without prejudice to consumers that do not permanently reside in Italy of any provisions that are more favourable and non-deferrable envisaged in the law of the country where they permanently reside, in particular regarding the term for exercising the right to withdraw, the term to return the Products, in the case of exercising such a right, the procedures and practices for notifying withdrawal and the legal guarantee of conformity.
    19.3 In the case of user who is a consumer, any dispute relative to the application, performance and construal of these General Terms of Sale, will be referred to the jurisdiction of the place where the user resides or has elected address for service.
  2. Alternative dispute resolution
    20.1 Pursuant to article 141-sexies, paragraph III of the Consumer Code, T-Data S.r.l. informs the user in a capacity as consumer pursuant to article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code that, in the case of a direct complaint made to T-Data S.r.l., which could not however be settled, T-Data S.r.l. will provide information about Alternative Dispute Resolution organisation(s) for the out-of-court settlement of disputes relative to obligations arising from an agreement entered into based on these General Terms of Sale (ADR, as indicated in articles 141-bis and following of the Consumer Code), stating whether or not it intends using these organisations to resolve disputes.
    20.2 T-Data S.r.l. also informs the user that qualifies as a consumer, as referred to in article 3, paragraph 1, letter a) of the Consumer Code that a European platform for online dispute resolution has been set up for consumers (ODR platform). This platform may be consulted at http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/, where the user can view the list of ADR bodies, find the link to each one and start an online procedure to resolve the dispute he/she is involved in.
    20.3 In any case, the right of the consumer user to file a compliant through the ordinary courts regarding these General Terms of Sale, regardless of the outcome of the alternative dispute resolution procedure, and as applicable, to apply for an out-of-court settlement of disputes relative to consumer relations, based on the procedures in Part V, Section II-bis of the Consumer Code, is not affected.
    20.4 Moreover, for all cross-border disputes concerning the adoption, performance and construal of the General Terms of Sale of T-Data s.r.l., if the user is resident or domiciled in an EU member state other than Italy, s/he may establish a European small claims procedure, as governed by Regulation (EC) No 861/2007 of the Council, of 11 July 2007, with the competent court or tribunal, on condition that the value of the claim does not exceed €5,000.00 excluding all interest, expenses and disbursements on the date when the court or tribunal receives the application. The wording of the Regulation is available at https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg/2007/861/oj.